10 best practices while using Adobe Campaign & its benefits

  1. Always Use Typology Rules: While Companies scale their Marketing automation activities

then there comes a common challenge of maintaining a unique customer journey, while avoiding over-exposing customers to too many emails which can lead to customers ignoring emails or start marking them as spam, thus increasing the un-subscription rate. To Avoid these kinds of issues, we always suggest our customers to use typology rules (business rules). With Typology rules feature in Adobe Campaign, your organization can more easily maintain customised business rules or, global suppression rules, to control what your customers see and how frequently they see it, eliminating the risk of over-emailing and improving your deliverability and customer experience. 2. Always use Control Group: If you are using Adobe campaign and not using the Control

Group feature then you are definitely missing an opportunity to optimize your campaign and controlling the cost. With control Group you can always exclude some percent of your recipient and track the post-delivery behaviour and campaign impact by making a comparison with the behaviour of target population, which has received the delivery. 3. Check your campaign workflow state: Always make sure to check the workflows state,

never leave your workflows in paused state as this keeps the temp tables on the database until the workflow is completed. Assign Workflow Supervisors under Workflow Properties to send an alert when a workflow fails or is paused by the system. This will improve your overall Campaign performance. 4. Check your Scheduled Deliveries: Do no try to schedule large deliveries together. There is a

gap of 5-10 minutes to spread the load uniformly over the system. Coordinate the scheduling of deliveries with the other members of your team to ensure the best performance. When the marketing server is handling many different tasks at the same time, it can slow down performance. 5. Don’t overload content with personalization: Personalization in emails pulls data out of the

database for each recipient. If there are many personalization elements, that increases the amount of data needed to prepare the delivery. 6. Always check with your Consultant: While sending a large volume of emails work with a

deliverability consultant to see if your MX rules cater to this requirement or not. If your instance is fairly new, the sending IPs might not have been warmed up till now and sending huge volumes can cause blacklisting or bad IP reputation. 7. Check your Email Size: We always suggest our clients to keep an eye on email size. The Email size should be around 60-100KB. If the email size is at higher side then it will take time to load the content and this will impact the user experience. The size of your email plays a significant role in whether your message makes it to the inbox and how it looks once it gets there. 8. Use Wave Sending: if you are about to send a large volume of emails then its advisable to send the deliveries in multiple waves. Sending to large list in one go might fall under spam filters. So always send large deliveries in Multiple waves to maintain your sending reputation. 9. Integrate Analytics with Adobe Campaign: Always integrate your analytics platform with

Adobe Campaign to track the user behaviour once they clicks out to your website. 10. Index Addresses: Almost every user of Adobe campaign classic creates custom data schemas

to do targeting for their final recipient. It is highly recommended to INDEX the main elements to optimize the performance of SQL queries.

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